Industries / Occupations

A man wearing a hard hat with an oil refinery in the background.

Many people have been exposed to asbestos through workplaces in the U.S. that used asbestos in their products and facilities, putting millions of workers at risk. Every occupational exposure to asbestos can contribute to the risk of getting an asbestos related disease.

They could take on almost anything because of the genuine interest they have in their client and the way they actually listen. You don’t find this too often in a lawyer.

Evelyn R.

Asbestos containing products began to be widely used in a variety of trades and industries in the late 1800’s and continued thru the 1970’s and beyond. The wide incorporation of asbestos into industrial and commercial products has exposed millions of American workers and their families to a toxin proved to both scar the lungs and cause a variety of cancers including malignant mesothelioma. The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) states that in every case exposure to asbestos is detrimental to human health.

Approximately 27.5 million workers were exposed to asbestos between 1940 and 1979. Jobsites where asbestos exposure was prevalent included shipyards, power plants, refineries and foundries where asbestos products such as pipe covering, insulating cements and refractory products as well as gaskets and packing were used in a wide range of industrial applications.

Asbestos was also widely used in the construction industry. Carpenters and laborers were exposed to asbestos containing joint compound materials as well as vinyl asbestos floor tile, asbestos containing shingles and siding, as well as other associated products such as mastics and other adhesives.

Finally, asbestos was heavily used in the automotive industry. Both career auto mechanics and do-it-yourself or shade tree mechanics were equally vulnerable to a host of asbestos containing products including brake linings, clutches and gasket materials.

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Photo of Chad C with his red sports car.
Richard C.
Richard C. was diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma during the holiday season of 2019. The diagnosis came as a shock to everyone as he had been in exceptional health and living an active life before this dreadful diagnosis wreaked havoc on the family.
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Photo of Bill B. barbecuing with friends and family
Bill B.
Bill B. was diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma in the Spring of 2021. Before his diagnosis, he was living a vibrant life with his wife, daughter and grandchild.
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Photo of Evelyn R.
Evelyn R.
When Ed R. died unexpectedly, his wife, Evelyn, knew there must have been something more than simply old age.
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